
A Band of Nurses

It takes a village to raise a child, and an army of medical professionals to run a hospital! At Sankara, we ensure no stone is left unturned. For our band of nurses, it's not just serving medically. Often it involves learning a new language! At the RJ Sankara Hospital, Panvel, Maharashtra, the team of nurses headed by Nurse Bharati is a formidable force, working in shifts at the different wings of the hospital with equal panache and sincerity. Bharati and her band of nurses start by learning to speak Marathi, the language of the locals, so they can understand and communicate well with the patients.

When You Are Down, Lift Someone Up!

They talk to elderly patients about the conditions they are facing, in their language, and convince them to attend the eye camps, get themselves checked, and avail of Sankara’s free eye surgeries if required. As they busy themselves with the patient admittance or discharge formalities, and get ready for the influx of the next batch of patients, Bharati proudly talks about her band of nurses. “Patients must be handled with love and care”, Bharati says. “Each nurse in my team is inclusive, empathetic, and supportive of every patient. Whether the patient arrives in a car, or the community bus, each one is treated equally well, with care and respect. Such values are imbibed in all our employees, especially the crux of our caregivers – our band of nurses.”